Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Divatologist Perfume Application Method

The Divatologist Perfume Application Method"

Oh yes sports fans, it's finally available for all to ponder at your leisure. The infamous "Divatologist Perfume Application Method" is available. I really just wanted to have a blog entry....*giggle* Seriously, I believe that applying a few of my tips will increase the longevity of your favorite scents. It will also help improve the overall appearance of your skin.

There are those that scoff at "The Divatologist Perfume Application Method". All I ask is that you at least try it before you go run and tell folks it doesn't work. I'm not promising that it will help everyone. What have you go to lose? Do me a favor please? I know it's a long read, but then again most blogs are. Please, please, please read the entire thing. Many overlooked alot of things when I posted this before. This can attribute to why this may have not worked for most. It even prompted someone to do a little experiment...that was so cute. I have added a little here and there. So, make sure you read the entire blog.

There are many things that can cause a perfume not to last long on the skin. I however believe it has alot to do with how you cleanse and moisturize your skin. I don't care how many sprays you give yourself, if your skin isn't clean it won't make a difference. Now since you are open to suggestions, you're more than welcome to try some of my skin regimens.

First let me explain some things about the skin. We do lose a thin layer of skin each and every day. We have microbes that are resident, as in they are always there. We have those that are transient. Transients are transported to the skin and can be washed away. Now the resident microbes are what make up your body chemistry. The resident microbes are your natural body oils. The resident microbes are what the hound dog is sniffing out when he's looking for the bad guy. These are unique to you and are always with you. I don't care what you hear them say on here about not washing so much or you will wash away your precious oils. Please believe me when I say that you can never wash them away. They will be there even after you have soaked or been in the water for hours. You can wash your hands for an hour and you will still be able to make a fingerprint afterwards. Just think about it. Can skin be sterilized? Uh No! OK moving on. l will try to relate this to all types as much as I can. Knowing this about the skin brings us to why it's important to cleanse the skin well and keep it moisturized.

As a perfume/cologne wearer, it's imortant to cleanse the skin daily. Your goal is to achieve maxium exfoliation. Think about it. You have layer upon layer of dead skin cells, plus whatever your skin has picked up throughout the day, and whatever products you may have used ie..lotion, perfume, etc. So, it's important to remove all of this from your skin, cause it will play an important part in sillage and longevity. It's important to shower daily with a nice thick wash cloth or sponge or glove. Just make sure it can scrub and remove the ills of the day and all that dead skin. Now, you can shower 3 times a day and will never get as clean as you can get from a good soak and a scrub down in your tub. Trust me. The shower does not get it all.

If you have dry skin, it is very important that you exfoliate very well and moisturize. Dry skin just eats up a frag and then flakes away. 9 times out of 10 it doesn't even reach your pores in order to really mix with your body chemistry. Dry skin doesn't give the frag much to cling to. Oily skin should be cleansed very well too. The moisturizing part is not as important because they don't have a problem with dry skin. They do however have a problem with those transient microbes. That oily skin picks up anything and everything and it definitely has something to cling to. So, it's important that they cleanse deeply because sometimes this type of skin can be prone to breakouts as well. Normal skin should be cleansed well and moisturized as well. Those with normal and oily skin can use a light lotion, but those with dry skin should use heavier lotions that will last throughout the day. Now I mention the cleansing because it plays an important part in how your frag mixes with your body chemistry. What you want is for the frag to mix with your body chemistry and not the left over skin and things you didn't wash away. That's why I mention the resident and transient microbes. Alot of people don't realize that those transient buggers can cause some serious sillage and longevity problems. So, you have to get rid of them and let your newly replaced and well cleansed skin receive your frag. Mositurizing plays a role in the sillage and longevity in that it helps the frag to get down into the skin and not just float on the top to be wiped away or just evaporate into thin air. You should spray your frag on first and then apply your lotion. That way the scent is sent even farther into your skin with your lotion allowing the frag to be released over and over again throughout the day ie..sillage. You see, your body replaces the skin everyday. It also secretes oils to protect the skin. Some of us excrete more than others. Hence the different types of skin, but the oils are always there. Because you applied that lotion on top of freshly scented skin, it will get down deep and mix with your body's oils (chemistry) and make it's way out in fragrant bursts throughout the day. Hence, those sudden burst of fragrance throughout the day.

Now, you will hear all types of ways to apply frags. However they want to put it on, it all ends up on the skin. Don't believe the hype OK. Spray to your liking, but don't worry about crushing precious molecules and walking into perfume clouds. It's all just foolishness. Those same folks that walk into those clouds will be in another thread talking about how their frags don't last on them. Let me tell you something. Perfume is a liquid in a bottle. You can shake it up or spray it sideways and upside down. It won't change the scent. You can also rub your perfume into your skin. That won't mess up the frag either. Lawd where do they come up with this stuff LMAO!! Ask these people if they spray air freshner in the air and stand there and hold the cloud so it doesn't move and wait for the room to walk through it LOL!! Please OK! Ask them if they spray cleaner on the sink or tub and let it stay there without moving it. I mean does the liquid magically move around and clean the surface or do you have to get down in there with a sponge and scrub that sink and tub to get it clean. It's just a liquid. You spray air freshner in the air and it spreads out and it still smells like it's suppose to. It doesn't last long cause it didn't have too much to cling to. Just spray your frag all over and rub it in good so it gets down into your pores to mix with that body chemistry. Thats how you get sillage. That's how you get longevity.

I don't have a problem with either. Honey, B&BW body spray lasts until I wash it off. You know that stuff doesn't last an hour on most folks. My method works well for me and it may work for you. It's a process now, but it works. Lastly, as if this isn't long enough already, my skin regimen.......

I shower daily. I use a thick cotton wash cloth. I start off with lukewarm water. I do not take hot showers, not even in the winter. The CDC states that lukewarm water with soap and a good scrubbing is sufficient in order to clean yourself and remove the germs from the day. I start off with lukewarm water and end the shower with cool to cold water depending on the season. I cool my skin down before I get out of the shower. I DO NOT GET OUT OF THE SHOWER SWEATING!! Getting out of the shower sweating kind of defeats the whole purpose of showering don't you think? I use simple soaps like Ivory or Dial. It doesn't matter. I wash my entire body 3 to 4 times with my soap and wash cloth. I scrub very well. Sometimes I use the soap for my frag of the day if I have it. After I finish washing I leave my entire upper body wet. I dry the bottom half. I sometimes have to add a little more water, but I make sure my upper body is nice and wet. I spray my SOTD on my wet skin. I spray my chest, my stomach, my neck front and back, my arms all over, and then the twins....*giggle*. I take the water and I use it to rub the frag into my skin and all over my upper body. Depending on how strong my frag is, I may spray more or less, but I always do the intial spray.

After rubbing my frag in, I put on my loiton. I have very very dry skin. I use a combination of about 3 to 4 lotions at a time. I use Jergens Ultra Healing, Eucercin Intensive Repair (Green Top), Some type of body butter, and the lotion for my SOTD. I lotion my entire body because I can't stand to be dry anywhere. *Before I put on my clothes, I give myself a quick spray to the chest, neck and arms and then I get dressed*.....Please take note of this statement. It was overlooked by many. I do re-apply before I get dressed. So, in essence I do apply my frag like many of you. I don't just apply right out of the shower. I also apply my frag after I have applied my lotion. Many will argue that perfume should be applied after you lotion. I apply before and after. I think I got it pretty much covered.

Now once a week I do a deep exfoliation. I soak in the tub. I get the water as hot as I can stand it. You can use any type of bath bubbles or whatever. Just get that water hot and soak. I don't have a big tub. So, I have to soak on one side at a time LOL. I try to soak at least 30 minutes. If I don't have anything to do I soak much longer. This loosens up the dead skin. After I soak, I get my weapons of choice. I have exfoliating gloves, which are wonderful and feel so good on the skin. They are like scouring pads. They are rough. I also have one of those puff sponges and a loofah sponge. Again I just use Ivory or whatever. I wash with each using my Ivory. I then repeat the cycle using a different soap. So I wash with the gloves, then I wash with the puff, then I wash with the sponge, and then I wash with my wash cloth. I repeat that cycle once more. Be careful cause the skin can get raw from all the scrubbing. After I've finished, then I let the water out and take a shower. I wash off 1 maybe 2 times and do the same as above. Now, sometimes I scrub a little to hard and I can't wear that much perfume. Honey, when that alcohol hits you, it's like somebody set you on fire lol. So, be careful but scrub, scrub, scrub.

By doing this I get the ultimate in sillage and longevity. My skin is very clean and moisturized and covered with my SOTD. I get many compliments. I'm always told that I smell good. My frags often last until I wash them off and that's usually the next day. So, try this for about a month and see if you notice a difference in how long your frag lasts. This regimen is effective for those who are prone to body odor as well. Just be sure to remove those hairs in those smelly places often. Hair holds odor in the worst way. That goes for men too. I recommend that you remove the hair from those areas that tend to smell at least once a month. You don't have to shave it completely off cause it itches like hell when that hair grows back. Sorry it was so long, but I take my perfume wearing very seriously as you can see. I have it broken down into a science and a scientific process. But you know what...........

I smells gooooooooood.

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